Welcome to Corruption Prevention Network

Corruption Prevention Network

"Providing Opportunites for Those Involved in Corruption Prevention and Fraud Control to Learn From Each Other




CPN  2024


 Corruption Prevention Network Forum on 23rd September at Macquarie Bank Conference Centre, Level 11, 50 Martin Place Sydney. 

We  have seven exceptional speakers taking you on a journey from Corruption prevention awareness to ACTION, with advice, examples and how to take that awesome step of reducing the risk of corruption in your workplace.

Our Speaker line up starts with our Key note Speaker Commissioner Paul Lakatos, Independent Commission Against Corruption. The emphasis is on “take home” information to help attendees move from ‘ Corruption Prevention – Awareness to Action”.

Have you noticed lately there have been quite a lot of media reports of alleged corruption at all levels of management within an assortment of entities, both government and corporate enterprises.

Some reports have been quite alarming as to alleged Contract rorts, nepotism, conflicts of interest, blatant misuse of employer equipment for personal use, time keeping fiddling, just to name a few examples that are occurring daily.

Not happening at your workplace? What you don’t know, you don’t know. Could you recognise a red flag?

However, what would you do if you encountered an apparent breach of work ethics, or an apparent conflict of interest by a colleague, or a contractor on a project contract, maybe just a little bit of pilfering, or someone “cooking the books”, maybe it’s just a small bit of maladministration, or that you suspect that something just isn’t right? What do you do?, Where do you go for guidance?

Do you blow the whistle, or keep your head down and just get on with your own job.

Who do you tell, your manager or just discuss it with mate? Who should investigate or check it out?

If reported, is it better to conduct an internal or an external enquiry, and what result is desired or to be achieved? Will the managers and employees be confident that the right action will be taken and the concern properly addressed?

At the Corruption Prevention Network Forum, Our speakers will delve into why we think the way we think when we encounter an apparent “misdeed”. We will look at what a “Speak Up” culture can do in your workplace AND give guidance for Whistleblowers.

Some ‘trusted’ people manipulate the ‘system’ to obtain a personal advantage either in $$$ or position or influence, with various examples of corruption to be presented exposing their methods of manipulation.

You are invited to BOOK your seat at the CPN Forum to become better informed and take back to the workplace ideas and solutions that can reduce the risk of corruption. Come and learn from other practitioners and share your experiences throughout the day.

Forum 2024 Registrations & Tickets: $660 each or GROUP of 6 @ $550 each, 


The CPN will continue to update this site with background bio’s of our speakers so as to whet your appetite with relevant and hopefully tantalising cover stories to help you come out again into the light of day after so long working in isolation. Come on act NOW

We believe now is the time to take the next step from being aware of corruption risks to taking action in reducing the corruption risks  by closing the gaps. We trust you will respond by attending and take the opportunity to network with like-minded practitioners. We all need a little help from our friends and colleagues to combat corruption. Register NOW on the Forum page link (above).

We are looking forward to catching up with past attendees and meeting new corruption fighters. I’m excited that the CPN can offer such a great program that is tailored to anti-corruption practitioners as well as members of the community seeking to reduce corruption in our society.

Philip Brown
Chair CPN

26 August 2024





Average number of attendees at CPN Monthly Seminars – 180 / 200


Source: ACFE 2016 Report to the Nation - 81.1% of organizations had a code of conduct in place at the time the fraud occurred.

Source: Transparency international - Australian Rank 13/180 Globally (2017)

What We do

The Corruption Prevention Network (CPN) primary purpose is to support anti-fraud and corruption practitioners throughout the state of NSW, to better understand the current issues and techniques in today’s market place and bridge the gap between public and private sectors by highlighting risks that span both industries. The CPN’s strength is in it membership. We welcome participation and we interact with practitioners and members in a number of ways, but all for the same purpose, to raise awareness in skill, capability and to inform on current and emerging fraud and corruption risks.
  • Subscribe to our Membership for:
    • FREE attendance to our face to face seminars
    • Access to many research documents and material
    • Regular communications
    • Invitation to attend our annual CPN forum
    • And much more
  • Knowledge 80% 80%
  • Educational 45% 45%
  • Resources 95% 95%

What We Offer

Education & Training Opportunities

The Corruption Prevention Network (NSW) provides valuable training, knowledge and discussion forums to our membership to enable them to learn and discuss issues relating to fraud, corruption and maladministration. Our strength is in our membership and partnerships in Government and Corporate Industry. We provide seminars free to our membership on a monthly basis and an annual themed forum. We are constantly working to engaged with partners in this journey to excellence including recognised education institutions and other organisations dedicated to the management and mitigation of fraud and misconduct. It is our intention to provide further benefit to our membership through the provision of video streaming of these sessions and in the future a partnership with a recognised VET and University level institutions to provide our members the ability to undertaken career education and programs.

Networking with Peers in Industry

Networking across industries and with like-minded peers is critical to the success of any fraud and corruption prevention practitioner. Our seminars and forums provide an excellent opportunity for all members to engage with other practitioners in a cohesive learning environment. We hold these networking events monthly as part of the seminar series held on a weekday. In addition it is our intention to hold up to four evening seminars in 2018 to allow other members to engage with us outside of standard business hours. Not to mention our annual Forum which will be held in September of each as has been the case for the past 25 years.

Provision of Better Practice Materials for Practitioners

With the advent and update of our technology platform we are implementing the ability for our members to access better practice materials sourced from our membership across Government and Corporate sectors that will be accessible to all members. During its inception this will be available free of charge and as our content grows and expanded this will be moved to a fee for use model to ensure we can continue to provide services to our membership. Content will include video seminar sessions, templates, whitepapers etc. But don’t worry the fees will be kept to a minimum and will be enough to cover our running costs to provide these services to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there a cost to join the CPN and attend its seminar series?

A: No, there is no cost to join the CPN or attend our seminars. As we expand our offerings we intend to have a small membership subscription style fee to access our digital content. This fee will cover the costs of video production etc.  but will not be implemented before our trial period ends in 2023.

Q: Do you offer certified training programs with Continuing Professional Education (CPE) points?
 A: Unfortunately, the CPN is not a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and therefore we cannot provide VET or other Qualification frameworks training. However, it is our intention to engage with an RTO in the future in order that our membership can obtain the professional training they require. In relation to CPE we are investigating this at the present time as it has not been something that the CPN has offered and if we are able to structure our seminars to meet the CPE requirements then we will seek to establish this for our members.
Q: Are there any education seminars held outside the Sydney Metropolitan Area?
A: At the current time we only hold our seminars in Sydney as this is where the bulk of our membership are located. We are currently working to enable other areas of NSW to access our materials either via online streaming services or available download. It is not our intention to physically hold forums in any other location in NSW at the present time due to the logistics and the time required of our volunteer management team and presenters who give of their time voluntarily.
Q: What is the content of the seminars and forum?
A: We regularly change our guest speakers and the topics that are covered. The topics will cover areas such as Fraud and Corruption Risk Management and Control, Privacy, Governance, Emerging Issues and Legislative changes, technology etc. Be assured our topics are always focus and relevant to the prevention of Fraud and Corruption.
Q: What type of organisations does the CPN work with?
A: We work and engage with a range of industry groups and Government agencies in NSW and Australia. Our members come from all area in Government (Local, State and Federal) and across multiple industry groups including Finance, Legal, Professional Services, Consulting, Retail and other small, medium and large businesses.
Q: What benefits can the CPN provide to my organisation?
A: The benefits provided by the CPN are in the areas of education and networking with peers in industry and on topics of interest in the management of Fraud and Corruption. This is a cohesive working relationship and not a customer / vendor relationship of any form. CPN services will be of direct benefit to enhancing the knowledge and networking of your staff with like-minded members at low cost and with the ability to obtain some advertising as part of sponsorship of our events.
Q: How does the CPN provide educational opportunities for its membership?
 A: We provide educational opportunities through our industry seminars that engage recognised senior leaders and industry representatives in our area of focus. We also provide resources for use via our website to our membership and we are seeking to expand this through relationships with Tertiary Education institutions to program recognised certifications and qualifications via these partners. CPN will not directly provide this training as we are not an RTO.
Q: I run a business is there any opportunity for sponsorship opportunities with the CPN?
A: As a volunteer organisation we have limited funds sourced from our annual Forum. Last year we commenced a small program of sponsorships to assist with the running costs of the event (and to ensure that costs are kept to a minimum for our members). We are happy to discuss with any partner various levels of sponsorship of the organisation, seminars or our annual forum. However, we are not aligned to any one particular product and we do not endorse or certify any product or service in preference to another. Please see our Sponsorship Page.
“Significant weaknesses in procurement systems facilitated these arrangements, but the fundamental problem from a corruption prevention perspective was a human one: employees were loosely managed and noncompliant behaviour went unchecked, managers lacked the skills to do their jobs properly, and when corruption was suspected or reported managers’ actions were often ineffectual, allowing the corrupt conduct to continue.”
Independent Commission Against Corruption

“The scale, breadth and duration of corruption at the Council cannot be attributed to a few rogue individuals alone. Overwhelming failures in the Council’s procedures and governance framework created significant opportunities for corruption, and they took full advantage.”
Independent Commission Against Corruption

“The ‘tone at the top’ is regarded by many as the single most important factor in an organisation reducing corruption.  The systemic nature of the corruption exposed by this investigation pointed to failings in the management of probity risks at an organisational level, which were indicative of failings in overall governance and management competence”
Independent Commission Against Corruption


If you have a query, question, suggestion or otherwise want to engage with the Corruption Prevention Network please contact us.  Email  – info@corruptionprevention.net