Forum 2018

Join us and learn how your organisation can become more resilient to fraud and corruption, improve governance risk and compliance. Attendees will have the opportunity to refresh networks with industry peers, all who share your common interest.
The Corruption Prevention Network (CPN) came into being in 1994 when practitioners together with officers from the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and Audit Office began meeting to consider how best to address systemic issues repeatedly exposed in internal and external investigations. Since then we have evolved into what we are today, an incorporated body operating through an organising committee of elected volunteers. Our primary purpose is to support anti-fraud and corruption practitioners throughout the state of NSW, to better understand the current issues and techniques in today’s market place and bridge the gap between public and private sectors by highlighting risks that span both industries.
We at the CPN interact with practitioners and members in a number of ways, check out our website at and look for the latest free seminars on offer. The CPN Forum is a one-day cost effective forum that delivers value for money. Learn of the latest prevention, detection and responses to minimise the impact of fraud and corruption, together with some of the more prevalent risks within the market place today. It will also provide you with different perspectives and insights to make you more effective in the preventive work that you do.
The forum designed for public, private and NGO sector professionals will especially appeal to all working in roles that touch on;
- Governance, Risk and Compliance
- Audit
- Fraud and Corruption prevention
- Regulation

“Investigative Reporting”
Kate McClymont, is an investigative journalist, currently reporting on the Independent Commission Against Corruption for the Sydney Morning Herald. She presented the 2014 Andrew Olle Media Lecture. She is the co-author, with Linton Besser, of He who must be Obeid, an unauthorised biography of former NSW Minister Eddie Obeid.
Called “the investigative journalist’s investigative journalist.”
Kate will present on the challenges of investigating and reporting on some of the largest fraud and corruption cases in NSW.
“Impact of National Culture on Trust, Ethics and CSR”
How we view what’s right or wrong, acceptable or not acceptable in our lives will vary based on the cultural lens. In a multi-cultural society, the challenges when we see behaviours such as not speaking up, or behaviour being driven by short-term gain. Working across different countries, these challenges can be difficult to negotiate. This keynote will introduce the audience to the key national culture dimensions that impact the way we build trust, view ethics and influence how Corporate Social Responsibility is viewed and applied.
David’s specialist area of intercultural, strategy and leadership development for global organisations, and for Australian firms expanding off-shore into new global markets or optimising the diverse nature of their domestic workforce.
“PHD Findings: How Corruption is Perceived, Interpreted & Addressed in Local Government” During the last 18 years, Allan working in the UK and Australia with local councils and organisations to investigate fraud and corruption and to development integrity-based frameworks and ethical workplace practices.
Allan will highlight, from his PhD findings, how corruption is perceived, interpreted and addressed in local government.
”The CPN Inc – Moving Forward”
Jason has 24 years of technology risk, IT security and investigative experience in government and corporate sectors.
Since joining the CPN executive he has redeveloped the website and improved the IT systems. Jason will inform members of the changes and impact of moving forward with the revitalised CPN.
Earlybird Pricing – until 31 July 2018
- 1-4 registrations: $770
- 5-9 registrations: $660
- 10+ registrations: $550
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Dockside Conference Centre
Balcony Level (Level One)
Cockle Bay Wharf
Darling Harbour
Standard Pricing – from 1 August 2018
- 1-4 registrations: $990
- 5-9 registrations: $935
- 10+ registrations: $880

Sponsor the CPN Forum 2018