Forum 2024

CPN Forum 2024
Corruption Prevention – From Awareness to Action
Date: MONDAY 23 September 2024
Venue: Macquarie Bank Auditorium Level 10, 50 Martin Place (entrance in Elizabeth St) Sydney).
Note spaces are limited to 150 attendees. Forum Registrations are open now
– The price is $660.
Our Speaker line up:
Key note Speaker is Commissioner Paul Lakatos SC, Independent Commission Against Corruption(NSW).
Shannon Armstrong – Director, Intelo
Kim Copeland- Director and Principal Consultant, AVYON Consulting Pty Ltd
Roland Winter – Executive Director Forensic, KordaMentha
Ben Gaunlett- Deputy Commissioner National Anti-Corruption Commission
David Lehmann – Partner, PKF Integrity
Gordon Yee – Corruption Prevention & Investigations Manager, Sydney WaterPlus Interaction presentations with the emphasis on “take home” information to help attendees move from “Corruption Awareness to Preventative Action”.
Roland Winter’s presentation:
Is someone in your workplace circle showing signs of having it both ways? Maybe a little close to the front and rear action?
Roland ‘s topic “A Conflict of Disinterest – Detecting and Investigating Unethical Practices in the Public Sector” will be delving into current attitudes towards “conflict of interest” in the public sector.
Roland will also help us to understand the types of unethical practices in the public sector that undermine ethical behaviour and he will review the techniques for detecting and investigating unethical practices.
He will also explore and present a number of case studies that highlight unethical practices.
Finally, Roland will show how to promote ethical leadership and personal responsibility.
This is a session not to be missed for managers and line workers as conflicts are a daily part of life. However, how they identified and are managed can make all the difference?
Need help? then register for the CPN Forum 23 September.
Why should you attend the Corruption Prevention Network 2024 Forum?
Our Excellent speakers will provide “Take Back” information and tools that can be utilised back at your workplace and community. It is all very well in having information on what corruption is, however being able to apply that information back in the workplace is essential to combat seen and potential corruption. Our Speakers will help identify how to cross the “knowledge gap”.
Who will attend?
The Corruption Prevention Network 2024 one day forum will provide practitioners with insights and best practices by industry’s top experts through keynotes, panel discussions and interactive sessions. Attending the one-day Forum will enable you to network with others to help you better understand, identify, manage and prepare to meet emerging challenges.
An interactive format of plenary sessions and discussion panel and the opportunity to network with other expert practitioners is a must for all organisations in the current business environment.
The diverse nature of our audience enables a variety of perspectives and subjects for discussion. Most importantly, our forum helps to promote awareness and practical solutions of fraud and corrupt conduct issues in the community.