2022 Education & Seminar Series
Topic: Helping agencies to prepare for significant changes to whistleblower legislation in NSW
Time: Tuesday, 22 November 2022, 12:30 – 1:30pm
Venue: Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, Level 1, 280 Pitt Str, Sydney & Online
Session Speaker
Louise Lazzarino, Assistant Ombudsman @Systems Oversight, NSW Ombudsman
Louise Lazzarino commenced as Assistant Ombudsman, Systems Oversight in July 2022. She has extensive experience leading investigation and oversight teams with a specific interest in professional misconduct and integrity investigations. Most recently, she held the position of Director of the Enforcement and Prosecutions directorate of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority where she led a number of criminal and administrative investigations across a range of compulsory insurance statutory schemes. She has previously held senior leadership positions with the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority.
Description of Session
NSW is in a period of transition. A new Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act) received assent on 13 April 2022 and is expected to commence in October 2023.
Understanding the range of potential procurement-related corrupt conduct
Wednesday, 9 March 2022 12.30-1.30pm
Session Speaker
Dr Benjamin Marx, Principal Officer Corruption Prevention, NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption
Benjamin Marx commenced in ICAC’s Corruption Prevention division in 2006. He has managed or led many ICAC corruption prevention projects, including those on employment screening, invoice payment controls, IT contractors and NGO-delivered human services. Dr Marx has also performed or managed corruption prevention analysis on over a dozen ICAC investigations and has led many internal analyses of ICAC complaint data. He recently returned to ICAC from an 18-month secondment to Transport for NSW where he was responsible for TfNSW’s corruption prevention program. Prior to working at ICAC, he completed a PhD in Psychology at the University of Sydney that explored some of the cognitive and attitudinal elements of moral reasoning, having previously conducted research on relative risk judgements.
Description of Session
Procurement is well known to carry marked corruption risk. However, efforts to control corruption risk in procurement often fall short because of a limited understanding of the range of potential corrupt conduct that might occur. This presentation explores a framework that provides a broad picture of what corrupt conduct might occur in a procurement context, using examples from ICAC investigations to bring it to life.
Applying this framework in your corruption control efforts can help ensure that corruption risks associated with procurement are sufficiently managed.
Slavery – the lesser known form of corruption
Date / Time: Wednesday 20th April 2022 12.30-1.30pm
Professor Jennifer Burn
Director of Anti-Slavery Australia | Faculty of Law | University of Technology Sydney
Jennifer Burn is the director of Anti-Slavery Australia at the University of Technology Sydney. She is nationally recognised as a thought leader in the field of human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices, particularly for her work on the prevention of all forms of modern slavery, and her focus on victim support and remediation. Through her research, advocacy and practice she has pursued legislative amendments and policy developments to promote best practice responses for the prevention of modern slavery and to ensure survivors of modern slavery have access to the protection and support they need.
Description of Session:
Professor Jennifer Burn will outline the global and Australian prevalence of modern slavery, explain what modern slavery is and the indicators of it. She will show how corruption can be linked to modern slavery and address prevention challenges.
Maximising the impact of your corruption prevention education program.
Wednesday, 18 May 2022 12.30 – 1.30pm
Session Speaker:
Adam Shapiro, Senior Corruption Prevention Officer (Training)
Adam Shapiro has been employed as the Senior Corruption Prevention Officer (Training) in the Corruption Prevention Division at the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption since June 2008. Adam is an adult educator with over 30 years of experience. His background includes both public and private sector employment in roles such as subject matter expert, senior instructional designer and content editor, project manager, business development manager and chief operating officer. His corruption prevention experience includes workshop facilitation, delivering presentations, developing training and corruption prevention resources and providing advice across the NSW public sector. He has also contributed to investigations, research projects and publications. Adam has played a significant role in developing the Division’s approach to corruption prevention which he has incorporated into the ICAC’s training resources.
Description of Session.
In this webinar, Adam will draw on the Commission’s experience in providing corruption prevention education as well various research perspectives to consider a number of questions. These include: What is the best approach to CP education? How do we get better outcomes from our CP training? Who should we target? What activities work well with different groups? How do we know if our educational efforts are having the desired effect?
Cybersecurity and digital information management within the New South Wales Government
Date : Wednesday 15th June 2022
Time: 12:30pm -1:30pm
Venue: Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, Level 1, 280 Pitt Street Sydney & Online
The presentation will focus on the state of Cyber Security in the NSW Government. It is a little over six months since the release of the NSW Government’s response to the Upper House enquiry in Cyber Security in the NSW Government. John Frisken and Milton Baar, were called as witnesses to the Upper House enquiry in Cyber Security in the NSW Government.
You will hear about the results of the enquiry and Government response as well as some of the recent and planned changes in Cyber Security standards and the impact on security programmes due to the new Critical Infrastructure Bill.
Take aways will include ‘war stories’, implementation advice and current thinking about Cyber Security Management.
John Frisken, Director, Professional Services, Co-founder of ISG @Information Systems Group
John is an application development control specialist and leads ISG’s practice and projects across major security and technology projects. He is a recognised industry leader in the areas of cyber security, application security, and operating technology. He has managed large scale technology integration projects for many government departments including Transport NSW. John is a Certified Information Systems Auditor with ISACA and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Milton Baar, Cyber Security Director, Co-Founder of ISG @Information Systems Group
Milton is the co-founder of ISG, and likes to describes himself as the resident bottle washer and trouble maker. As ISG’s Cyber Security Director, Milton has had a key role in the development and success of ISG. Milton’s passions are Irish Dancing, Photography and four-wheel driving. As official photographer for Irish Dancing Australia, he does not get much time for dancing these days, but gets very involved in his other two passions as he carts his video and camera equipment all over Australia in his Mercedes 4
Risk Culture – How do your people behave when their leaders are not around ?
Time : Wednesday, 20 July 2022 12:30 – 1:30pm
Venue : Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, Level 1, 280 Pitt Str, Sydney & Online
Session Speaker
Vanessa Vaillant, Director (People Advisory, Consulting), BDO
Vanessa is a Director in the People Advisory, Consulting Team at BDO. She has over twelve years’ experience working with clients in Canada and Australia to help them solve challenges in the areas of culture, strategy, operating models, human resources and change management. She is especially passionate and always curious about culture, how it is created in organisations and how it shapes people’s behaviours and beliefs about risk. Culture is complex and challenging to understand and yet a powerful system within every organisation whether you create it deliberately or let it form naturally – it’s always there.
Description of Session
Our increasingly complex contextual environment (COVID-19, regulatory scrutiny, sophistication of cyber warfare) has highlighted that risk culture is more than a tick the box exercise, it can have a significant impact on organisations financially and reputationally. Risk culture has been prominent in Financial Services since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, and more recently in Australia since the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. Risk culture assessments are also being introduced in a number of Government entities.
The challenge leaders are faced with is understanding what is really driving their broader organisational culture and how this impact people’s actions, beliefs and perceptions around risk. How do your people behave when their leaders are not around?
The session will draw on Vanessa’s experience, tools and stories to expand your thinking in understanding how culture is created, why good people do bad things and actions that you can take to start to understand your risk culture.
Topic: Preparing for the new Public Interests Disclosures Act 2022
Time: Postphoned till Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 12:30 – 1:30pm
Venue: Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, Level 1, 280 Pitt Str, Sydney & Online
Session Speaker
Louise Lazzarino, Assistant Ombudsman @Systems Oversight, NSW Ombudsman
Louise Lazzarino commenced as Assistant Ombudsman, Systems Oversight in July 2022. She has extensive experience leading investigation and oversight teams with a specific interest in professional misconduct and integrity investigations. Most recently, she held the position of Director of the Enforcement and Prosecutions directorate of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority where she led a number of criminal and administrative investigations across a range of compulsory insurance statutory schemes. She has previously held senior leadership positions with the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority.
Description of Session
NSW is in a period of transition. A new Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act) received assent on 13 April 2022 and has a commencement date of up to 18 months after assent.
The Forum on 6 September will replace this session.
You are invited to attend Forum 2022 at Dockside Darling Harbour.
Topic: Preparing for the new Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022
Time: Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 12:30 – 1:30pm
Venue: Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, Level 1, 280 Pitt Str, Sydney & Online
Session Speaker
Louise Lazzarino, Assistant Ombudsman @Systems Oversight, NSW Ombudsman
Louise Lazzarino commenced as Assistant Ombudsman, Systems Oversight in July 2022. She has extensive experience leading investigation and oversight teams with a specific interest in professional misconduct and integrity investigations. Most recently, she held the position of Director of the Enforcement and Prosecutions directorate of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority where she led a number of criminal and administrative investigations across a range of compulsory insurance statutory schemes. She has previously held senior leadership positions with the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority.
Description of Session
NSW is in a period of transition. A new Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act) received assent on 13 April 2022 and has a commencement date of up to 18 months after assent.