Members & Directors
Call for CPN Director Nominations
A call for Director Nominations is sought for election at the 2020 Annual General Meeting to be held by zoom meeting on 18 November 2020.
The current CPN Limited Board of Directors consists of five directors of a possible 9 under the Constitution.
Nominations close: Close of business Monday, 16 November 2020
Term of directorship: up to 3 years
The board is seeking elected directors with strong finance, governance, policy and advocacy, marketing/communication, events management and commercial acumen as well as experience engaging with government, education and the wider Information Security sector.
At a personal level, the board is seeking committed, energetic directors who can realistically commit between 5 to 20 hours a month on Board activities and is willing to make a significant contribution in a rapidly changing and challenging environment.
As a director of the Corruption Prevention Network Limited you are expected to deliver on outcomes for members and the wider community. The role of director is hands on, sometimes demanding but equally rewarding.
The CPN Limited Board would like to recruit a range of skills, which may include (but are not limited to):
- A sound working knowledge of corporate governance systems and frameworks;
- Executive management experience;
- Commercial acumen including demonstrated capability to play an active role in strategic planning and business development;
- Stakeholder engagement skills and demonstrated relationship building skills with diverse stakeholder groups (members, sponsors, researchers, government, educators and businesses);
- 5+ years of industry experience;
- An ability to analyse, critically assess and oversee company financial and non-financial performance; and
- Ability to deliver and execute on a as needed basis.
The CPN is an organisation committed to equal opportunities and representation.
Through embracing diversity, the CPN benefits from a wide range of experiences, values and perspectives. This allows the CPN to be more productive and to deliver greater value to our members and the community.
Elections for vacant director positions will be held by member vote at the Annual General Meeting, on 18 November 2020. As per the CPN Limited Constitution, the nominee(s) that receive the highest number of member votes will be elected to the vacant positions.
To nominate as a director please click here
Membership of the CPN
Since the CPN Incorporated Association converted to the CPN Limited by Guarantee in October 2019 the definition of member has changed. To be a member of the CPN Limited, as per the Constitution, an applicant must:
- be 18 years or older;
- be proposed for membership by an existing member;
- complete and lodge a membership application;
- ensure that all information provided when applying for membership of the company is true and accurate and is not misleading or deceptive;
- agree to abide by the Code of Ethics and the Constitution;
- be admitted into membership by the directors at the annual general meeting.
Individuals who subscribe to our mailing list and webinars are subscribers. To be a “member” you need to nominate and have a current member propose your membership.
Your directors are working on exciting opportunities for future member benefits which will be launched in early 2021.
If you are interested in becoming a member of CPN Limited click here for the member nomination form.