Our 2024 Forum was a huge success with a great line up of speakers, enthusiastic delegates and volunteers that ensured that we lived up to our title. We not only networked, we soaked up the valuable information from our speakers who helped us to move from being aware...
Corruption Prevention Network Forum on 23rd September at Macquarie Bank Conference Centre, Level 11, 50 Martin Place Sydney. We have seven exceptional speakers taking you on a journey from Corruption prevention awareness to ACTION, with advice,...
The ICAC has released a new research report, Controlling corruption opportunities in the provision of maintenance services. The report, prepared by the Corruption Prevention Division, aims to guide public officials who are accountable for decisions about facilities...
The ICAC has released a new research report, Keeping it together: Systems and structures in organisational change. The report, prepared by the Corruption Prevention Division, aims to guide public officials who are accountable for implementing...